$9,997.00 USD


The Suite of Codes

Immerse yourself in the deepest transformation

Experience the journey in it's entirety, moving through each of the portals created by the collection of Codes that have made their way to my consciousness to share.

In July, 2022 me and my dear friend Kyley Caldwell were sitting on a gorgeous balcony overlooking the ocean in Rhode Island. Our kids were all snuggled in for bed and we were enjoying the breeze off the ocean. 

I had been telling her how since receiving the Wealth Codes, my guides had been telling me that there are more to come. More to share, and I was feeling some kinda way about it. 

If felt like a lot to hold, and I wasn't sure how to distribute it, so the right people could receive it.

She understood the vastness of what I was expressing, because she had received all of these codes herself. She got quiet and closed her eyes. Then saw it...a Suite. A place where people can get a taste for the energy held within all of the codes and move through them one by one, as needed.

I knew immediately that this was the way, and that I had to do this! Not only that, I was immediately on *fire* to do it! 

So here is the culmination of three years of channeling, transcribing, formatting, activating, molding, and sharing. It is it's own entity now, ready to be taken by those who are ready to receive it.

This is the medicine I have to give, to you, to the world. 

It will change your life, it has to. You will not be the same after this experience. You can't be.

If you're ready for Ayahuasca for the soul, this is your portal to it.

What you will receive:

  • The Wealth Codes - 12 week journey - Three weeks on one week to integrate
  • The Generational Healing Codes - 8 week journey 
  • The Queen Codes - 8 week journey 
  • The Power Codes - TBD
  • The Self Care Codes - 4 week journey. Gifted to you.


All throughout this year there will be loads of support from myself an others in the private community that's included. 

I want to see you thrive, I want to see you drop old energies and emotions hiding our in your tissues and energy body that hold you back from your greatness.

I want to help you peel the layers of unwanted and unnecessary bonds from your essence so it can truly shine forth...revealing the *true you*. It is from there, that we create easily and fully.

 The Codes are multidimensional activations and *initiations* they are alive. 

This is the deepest of energy work meant to rewire you from the inside out. 

Expect big shifts, purges, and even down time from receiving them. You must be ready to do the work that goes along with them. They don't mess around. 

If you prefer a 6 month pay plan click here https://www.vanessajlove.com/offers/LzB2uem9

If you'd like a 12 month plan click here  https://www.vanessajlove.com/offers/LUu2ct2g


*Due to the energetic nature of this container, there are no refunds and all pay plans must be paid in full

What People Are Saying:

I have worked with Vanessa over the past few years and have received almost every type of code that she channels. Within one month of doing the wealth codes I was being pushed out of a space that was too small for me, and two months after that, signing a lease for my own storefront. Within weeks of doing the self care codes I had a team of employees coming into my business to take a massive amount of workload off my plate and was also introduced to a challenging person who taught me how to love myself on a deeper level. I did the Queen Codes when I was stepping into a more authoritative role as a boss to my team and it helped me embrace leadership in a healthy way, and the dominant codes have helped me step into my power as a healer, psychic and business owner on a deeper level. It completely upleveled my gifts. I'm not even mentioning that Vanessa was able to casually channel a physical healing for my body to heal an 8 year old whiplash car accident injury miraculously in one short spontaneous session. Vanessa is the most powerful healer I know. Anyone who has a chance to work with her is lucky because I know that one day soon she will not be as easy to access, as she will be sought after for her gifts, no doubt.

Leigh Ann Romano Rogers, Owner of Psychic Medium Witch, Martinez California

I have been working with Vanessa for four years. I have taken her I, II, and III levels of Reiki, Wealth Codes, coaching, and see her 1:1 for Reiki sessions monthly. She has become one of my closest friends, mentors, and guides. Vanessa is so POWERFUL in her ability to transfer over a decade of knowledge to her students. She brings her authenticity, integrity, and passion to everything she does. She shows up for her students, clients, and the world empowered, loving, and honest. In my mind, she is an intuitive goddess who spreads love and light on this planet and can connect with people on very deep levels. She is open about her own healing journey, which makes her classes even more relatable, trustworthy, and authentic to her. I can't say enough about her psychic and clairvoyant gifts. She has brought so much clarity, joy, and healing into my life through her work. I am forever grateful and honored to be in her energy and her community of light workers. When I met Vanessa, I was going through some life transitions. A few years ago, I went through a heartbreak, and she energetically supported me. In Fact, I received the Wealth Codes from her, and holy hell, that completely shifted my life yet again. I went from sad and hurt to vibrant and in love with life. The Wealth Codes facilitated the shift as it rewired my energetic body and upgraded my vibration into a state of love, hope, and abundance. I continue to seek healing from Vanessa monthly and it is what grounds and supports my expansion.

Maria Macnab, Empowerment coach, Yoga teacher and Reiki practitioner, Chicago