Queen: a goddess or a person having supremacy in a specified realm.


 Intentionally aligned with the Spring Solstice, we are coming out of the dark days of winter and into the bright promise of spring. Possibilities are endless...what will you choose to cultivate, rise into, and grow?


NO ONE is YOU! You've spent time getting to know and love yourself, connecting to the deep desires within. Preparing to share who you are, in a way that raises your inner Queen to the surface to be beheld by the masses. Rise into your fierceness, your absolute knowing.

You are sovereign. A Queen.

What are Codes?

The Codes are powerful multidimensional frequencies channeled from the Akashic. Some of them are quite alien, others are within us already and need to be upgraded. 


These Codes are meant to upgrade and rewrite the old outdated coding we came in with. Imagine a computer or an app that is running slow or barley at all because it needs the newest version of the codes. This is very similar, for our very own operating system. 


This is strong energetic shifts, you're ready for this when you feel the excitement of receiving them within you!

The Outdated Codes said...

  • I'm afraid of what people will think of my new radical idea. It's a fire in my soul...but I'm afraid to show it to anyone.
  • I can't possibly do this, it's crazy, I'm crazy...right?
  • What if I share this and no one likes it, or me, or BOTH? I don't want to lose the people I DO have, because what I have to share is different or goes against who they believe me to be.
  • Someone else is doing it already, better than me. I shouldn't even try, it's way safer if I keep this in my notebook and never put it out there.
  • I'm not good enough, I don't know everything, and there are SO many people put there who are better than me. They have been doing this longer, and I don't even have a voice in this arena.
  • I can't just BE someone new, people won't like me anymore or they will think I'm a phony.
  • Ugh, I hate that person, they are having success and I'm NOT.

The Updated Codes Speak Clearly...

  • I am BRAVE. I know that I was given this gift and am 1000% meant to share it. I doesn't matter what others think, if I can help even ONE person, I've succeeded.
  • I am for some and not others, that's okay. Not everyone has to like me, and vice versa. We have a special frequency, mine will speak to the people who are attuned to ME. And I to them.
  • What I offer is covered in my unique energy signature, therefore is like no one else. There is no such thing as competition and it's impossible for anyone to take my unique energy signature!
  • I am sovereign and people NEED my Magick! There are people waiting for me RIGHT NOW, to share what I know. If I don't show up, I'm not doing my part!
  • Yes! Look at their success! Anything is possible!! I want to cheer them, and receive their cheers for me too!
I'm SO in!

9 Weeks in a live experience

Immersion and practice are the quickest ways to connect to and learn something new & different. You'll be surrounded in the energy and practice of rising into exactly who you are. Sharing your queen is to share yourself and so, your unique Magick. 

High level Mentorship

You'll be in a setting intentionally created by Vanessa J. Love, a fellow Queen 15 years in the process and practice of the ever evolving Queen within. You will have access to a private community and ongoing support as you rise into your new energy signature.

The Magick tools

An experience like no other, blending the Magick of multidimensional codes & energy work, body based somatic rituals & Magick, and intuitive coaching for a fully high level set point towards your success.

What are you waiting for?


Welcome to 9-weeks of personalized coaching and high level high touch mentorship, designed to help you tap into your intuition and manifest the life you desire. In this journey, you will come understand the Queen/Ruler within you and how to harness their magnificent energy within.  It is my mission to provide you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to identify and overcome limiting beliefs and blocks, discover your natural strengths and talents, and achieve your personal and professional goals.

This course is timed to coincide with the Magick of the season of Spring, when we begin to rise up and embrace our inner Queen. This supportive and empowering environment will help you work through your challenges, develop a deeper understanding of the principles of manifestation and co-creation, and become your OWN "guru."


I'm ready for the Codes!

What we are covering inside of the Queen's Codes...


WEEK ONE - Introduction to your Queen Archetype

Who the f*ck AM I, actually?? We'll do an exercise to find her/them.


WEEK TWO - Codes Initiation

Receive the First dose of the Queen Codes, after discuss the portal we all tore through.


WEEK THREE - Connecting with your sovereign self 

Love who you are, BE who you are. And what this actually means, how to put it into practice and LIVE it. 


WEEK FOUR - Codes Initiation 

Receive the Second dose of the Queen Codes and after discuss THIS portal we were ripped through.


WEEK FIVE - Showing up with confidence

The art of getting-out-of-your-own-way will be discussed here as well as a psychic healing for the group around the Witch wound and the sisterhood wound.


WEEK SIX - Integrating upgrading energies & Codes Initiation

Tools to keep your integration and upgrades! Receive the Third dose of the Queen codes after talk about the next level portal we've blasted through.


WEEK SEVEN - Understanding the cycles of Manifestation

Manifesting is REAL, but (most of the time) shit doesn't fall into your lap! Let's get into the how!!


WEEK EIGHT - Codes Initiation 

Receive the fourth dose of the Queen Codes. Release the "witch wound"/sisterhood wound.


WEEK NINE - Planting & becoming your own "Guru".

What do you want to grow in your "garden of life"? Two heads are better than one, and a coven increases your power. So, how will you rise up? How will you move forward and actually utilize these tools? Let's get you a PLAN.

"B*TCH, YOU GOT THIS"- The Universe.

Listen, the answers are NOT out there...they are IN HERE (points to Heart). Let's get you attuned to hearing your inner Goddess, Queen, God, Royal, or Ruler. They are there, and WANT you to connect and listen to what they have to say. you have free will...but also the guidance of the GODS. 


Meet your Mentor and fellow Queen : Vanessa J Love


Vanessa J. Love is a natural born Healer and Psychic Medium. A mixed Medicine Woman, she received these gifts from both sides of her family. By the blood of her Indigenous Mexican family, she has been channeling her Shamanic Medicine Men who guide her in her healing sessions. From the Eastern European side of her mother's family she inherited the abilities of clairvoyance, mediumship, and connection to the many lives of her ancestors who were sorceresses' and herbal healers.

She has been studying all things Metaphysical since 2008, and is a Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Esthetician, Hatha Yoga Instructor, Medical Qigong Practitioner, Akashic Records reader, budding Astrologer, forever student and Loving Mother.

She currently uses all of her gifts to connect to others who know that time space reality is something pliable, and want to explore all the possibilities available to them in the quantum field! This means, choosing to create the life you love and LIVE it! On purpose, everyday!

Her life's work and mission is to help you realize that YOU have the POWER. It's all in you. You can create the life your soul craves.

Her specialty is working with Healing Energy, Wealth, Abundance, Manifestation and Karmic Astrology. Essentially finding your life's path, helping you begin to express it, and create your desires along the way.

We have one life in these bodies, choose joy, love and fun!

Hannah was one of the first to receive the Queen Codes, she had this to say...

When I received the Queen Codes… I knew I was going to be embarking on a soul journey. What that journey would look like over the matter of months included resolidifying who I truly am, and what I am meant to do on this planet. It cracked my heart wide open. It invited deepening of so many relationships, while also standing in firm boundaries and not being afraid to ask what I actually desire and need.

The Queen Codes is deep energy work- and when you receive energy work from Vanessa… you can FEEL her working on you. What she does is not only magical, but it is life changing.

If you are looking to reconnect with your fire, your truth, and your power - the queens codes is IT 🔥

Kyley Caldwell received the Queen Codes last summer and said this...

“Every time I’m lucky enough to receive Vanessa’s wild energy work, I’m always transported in the most amazing of ways. The queen codes are no different.

I can FEEL this part of myself, a part that has been asleep for far too long, waking up. I feel more powerful, less scared, and way more confident than I have in ages.”

What's included in the Queen Codes Coven... 

  • Nine weeks of live calls 
  • Four Multidimensional Code Upgrades 
  • Four Energetic Integration Calls
  • Rituals and Tools to support and complement your inner Queen
  • Lifetime access to all content and replays
  • Access to private FB community
  • A doorway facilitated by a Master Healer and Psychic Medium, here to fully support your journey (priceless)
$88/week x 20
$1333 PIF Early Bird

What's included in the Queens Codes Coven 1:1 VIP container... 

  • Three months of custom attention to you
  • Psychic readings to elevate your life and business
  • A full astrology reading showing where you shine in your life and work, highlighting the Queen withinRituals and tools to support and complement your life
  • Four unique Code Upgrades
  • Supportive Energy Work for Integration
  • Lifetime access to all replays
  • A doorway facilitated by a Master Healer and Psychic Medium, here to fully support your journey and success. (priceless)
755/m x3
$2222 PIF

And if you want to go even deeper...

(You know you do...)

1:1 VIP Suite of Codes Experience

Book a call to see if we're a fit

  • A year long journey into the entire Suite of Codes!
  • Four Seasons of Multidimensional Code Upgrades - Including the Wealth Codes!
  • Customized Energy work to assist in the integration of the major energy shifts durning the year.
  • Conscious creation of your business/life plan for the entire year.
  • A professional Karmic Astrology reading, finding all of the key points to focus on for your success this year.
  • Lifetime access to all content and replays
  • A doorway facilitated by a Master Healer and Psychic Medium, here to fully support your journey (priceless)